
Applicants Can Handle Patent, Trademark and Other Services Online


Recently, CNIPA has issued a notice that its service windows will be open from February 3, 2020. In order to strengthen the prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia, effectively reduce the gathering of people and block the spread of novel coronavirus, the applicants are advised to handle the services such as patents, trademarks and layout designs of integrated circuits online via the Internet as they can as possible during the epidemic prevention and control, to minimize the risk of cross infection.

In terms of patent application services, CNIPA provides two approaches for handling online the application services: the electronic application client and the online business processing platform of electronic application. After registered on the China patent online application website (http://cponline.cnipa.gov.cn), the applicant can choose one of the two approaches to edit and submit the patent application documents, receive various types of notifications, and handle the related procedures. If a papery patent application has already been submitted, the applicant can download and install the electronic application client to submit a papery-to-electronic application request and handle the relevant procedures via the electronic application client after approval, or mail other documents after the application date. If a PCT international patent application is to be submitted, the applicant is recommended to choose the electronic application client or the online business processing platform to submit the documents, receive the notifications and handle other services on the PCT electronic application website (http://www.pctonline.cnipa.gov.cn).

In terms of trademark application for registration, the applicants can handle 24 services such as application for registration, change, renewal and transfer of trademarks via the online trademark service system (http://sbj.cnipa.gov.cn/wssq/). They can select “Login for Online Application User” when a trademark application for registration is submitted. If registered, the users can log in directly for business processing; if not, they must be registered before submission of an application. In terms of online payment services, the registered users can select “Login for Online Application User” for handling the payment services. As for online payment only, the applicants can select “Login for Simple User” and make payment before registered for a simple user name. In addition, the applicants are recommended to handle window services as less frequently as possible. Where the services must be handled at the local trademark acceptance windows or in the hall of the trademark examination and cooperation centers outside Beijing, the parties should obey the work notice issued by local relevant institutions during the epidemic prevention and control.

With regard to the registration of layout designs of integrated circuit, the applicants can log in to the online application platform for layout designs of integrated circuit (http://vlsi.cnipa.gov.cn) to submit to CNIPA the new applications and intermediate documents of layout designs of integrated circuit. In order to provide convenience for the majority of users, all the users registered in the online patent application system can directly use the online application system of integrated circuit; those unregistered can use the same after registered in the online application platform for layout designs of integrated circuit. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)

